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zondag 22 april 2012

Bryan Fuller talks possible new Star Trek TV series

Bryan Fuller talks possible new Star Trek TV series

Heroes and Star Trek: Voyager writer/producer Bryan Fuller “would love to” create new Star Trek TV series with Bryan Singer

Several pitches for a new Star Trek TV series have been mooted in the past, with Paramount reportedly hearing proposals from Trek actors Jonathan Frakes and William Shatner in recent years.

Bryan Singer’s Star Trek: Federation concept, set centuries after The Next Generation, looked the most likely candidate for a while, until work began on J.J Abrams’ movie reboot and Federation was transferred to the back burner.

Now Bryan Fuller has revived chatter amongst Trek fans by talking to Entertainment Weekly about his well-publicised passion for the show, and a possible collaboration between he and Singer:

“Bryan and I are big fans of Trek and have discussed a take on what we would do, and we would love to do it. I don’t think anything is going to happen in any official capacity until after the next movie comes out. And I’m sure it would be wisely under J.J Abrams’ purview of what happens. He’s the guardian of Trek right now.”

Gracious, and admittedly hesitant words from Fuller, but interesting nonetheless. Would a Singer/Fuller Star Trek series pick up the original Federation plan, or could the pair have something new up their sleeves? Abrams’ Star Trek sequel (currently filming) comes out next May, so while we won’t expect any official announcements until after then, we’ll keep our ear to the ground.