The series, titled "Legit," has received a 13-episode order and is slated to premiere in January 2013. Jefferies co-created the series with Peter O'Fallon of "The Riches." Both will serve as executive producers, along with Rick Cleveland ("Nurse Jackie," "Mad Men") and Lisa Blum of New Wave Entertainment.
"Legit" will revolve around a comedian named Jim (played by Jefferies) and his efforts to achieve legitimacy in life. Dan Bakkedahl and D.J. Qualls ("Road Trip") also star, as Jim's best friend Steve and Steve's brother Billy, respectively.
"I couldn't be happier than getting to do this show,” Jefferies said. “FX has set the bar so high with shows like 'Louie' and 'Sunny,' but I believe Peter and I have created something special. The cast is amazing and FX has given us all the freedom we need. I can’t wait for people to see it."