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vrijdag 2 maart 2012

Channel 4's new documentary 'Make Bradford British' criticised

Channel 4's new documentary 'Make Bradford British' criticised

Channel 4's new documentary on racial differences in Bradford has been criticised by community leaders, who have expressed concern that it may show the city in a "bad light".

Make Bradford British attempts to bring together people of different ethnicities in the Yorkshire city to see if they can agree what makes them British.

Channel 4 said that the two-part programme is intended to overcome stereotypes and preconceptions about race, but council leader Ian Greenwood said that it would actually reinforce the image of Bradford as being segregated.

According to BBC News, Greenwood said that he was "sick to death" of television companies portraying the city in a "bad light".

"There is no doubt that we have problems the same as any community - but my view is we can resolve these problems together within Bradford," he said.

"What we don't need is people stereotyping us and leaving the city. Bradford is a place of immigration. For a long time we've had wave after wave of people coming to look for socio-economic advancement, to look for a good job, to look to do better for the family."

Make Bradford British is intended as a social experiment involving eight "housemates" from differing races and backgrounds living together to "see if they can come up with a common notion of the thread that binds them together - what it means to be British".

Sabbiyah Pervez, one of the participants, said that the programme "deals with issues on a common ground and there was a lot of positives to come out of it".

Jane Vincent, co-founder of Positive Bradford, said that she was keeping her "options open" about the programme as she had not yet seen it.

But she added: "What does concern me is that it's Bradford again. Why isn't it Make Birmingham British or some other city? It's unfair.

"From seeing the trailers, they've done the typical extremist viewpoint. That doesn't represent real Bradford."

Bradford Council for Mosques general secretary Zulfi Karim said that the programme's title is a cause for concern, "as it implies that there is something inherently unBritish about our city and nothing could be further from the truth".

"However, we will be prepared to reserve judgement and comment once we have seen the full programme," said Karim.

A Channel 4 spokesperson said that Bradford was chosen for the programme because "it is perceived to have one of the more segregated populations in the UK".

They added: "We're not saying that Bradford hasn't worked very hard to address issues of segregation, but the title is designed to stimulate debate about Britishness and refers to a group of people who previously led segregated lives in Bradford, coming together to see if they can find a common notion of what it means to be British."

Make Bradford British premieres tonight at 9pm on Channel 4, and then concludes on March 8 at the same time.