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zondag 14 oktober 2012

Matt Smith cements place in 'Doctor Who' history

Doctor Who star Matt Smith commemorated his role in the BBC series by attending a hand print ceremony in Cardiff yesterday (October 12).

The 29-year-old actor visited The Doctor Who Experience in Wales and contributed to a new 'walk of fame' that is being created to honour past and present stars of the show.

Matt Smith casts his hand prints in cement as he makes his first visit to The Doctor Who Experience in Cardiff Bay to unveil a new exhibit of monsters and props from series 7.

''It's remarkable to have something like this that people can go to," he told BANG Showbiz at the event. "You revert to being a fan boy again."

When asked what he believes he has added to the show's history, Smith admitted that he hadn't really considered his impact.

"Its hard to say what your legacy will be because you never plan to do this job planning to leave a legacy," he explained. "You just do it and then the legacy is left behind.

"It isn't as though I've had any intention to leave any sort of hand print, as it were.

"When all is said and done, when I leave, I hope people have enjoyed my Doctor, have enjoyed my time with the Ponds and the work me and Steven (Moffat) have done together and remember it fondly.

"I meet people now and their Doctor is Tom [Baker], or Jon [Pertwee], or Patrick [Troughton] and I hope in 20 years' time kids who are 8 or 9 now will go, 'Oh yeah, my Doctor is Matt Smith'."

He added: "You never know, but I've got my hands here now if all else fails!''

Showrunner Steven Moffat also attended the ceremony and donated his prints to the timeline.

"I'm very excited and honoured to have my hands preserved forever," he said. "And quite relieved they came back out of the cement!"

The writer joked: "I now know, for all my future crimes, that my fingerprints are readily and permanently available.''

The exhibition - which has been created to celebrate the upcoming 50th anniversary of the hit sci-fi show - also features a collection of new props, including the captured and chained Weeping Angel from 'The Angels Take Manhattan', Solomon's robots from 'Dinosaurs on a Spaceship' and new companion Jenna-Louise Coleman's outfit from 'Asylum of the Daleks'.

Visitors to the attraction will also get to experience a new interactive 3D adventure, in which they 'step through' a crack in time to become the Doctor's companion, travel with him in the TARDIS and come up against famous villains including the Daleks and Weeping Angels.